The Phoenix Hypothesis

What if what is happening on the world stage is neither coincidence nor madness—but everything is going according to plan? Christian Köhlert, a connoisseur of the truth movement, ties together alternative theories and whistleblower statements to form an overall picture.

The “Phoenix Hypothesis” provides a model of why the System performs such bizarre maneuvers on the world stage that, even in the alternative media, interpretations continue to diverge. The thesis postulates that a cyclical geophysical phenomenon is the primary reason for all the transformative processes we have increasingly observed since 2020.


About The Content

The author outlines a theory in which the geopolitical crises, the supposed pandemics, the sociocultural upheavals, and the many other polarizing anomalies on the world stage are controlled by a central System. This power structure unites all institutions, ideologies, and states under one agenda. What we may primarily recognize only serves to distract and steer the masses into a New World Order. Yet, the “Great Reset” is of cosmic nature.

The System is staging a balanced dance with fear on the global stage. On the one hand, this primal emotion is artificially created and instrumentalized to divide and control humanity. At the same time, however, the true motives are concealed in order to avoid panic. In this bizarre spectacle, all parties fulfill their roles. Even alternative media have been infiltrated and are being used to control the world’s fate via thesis and antithesis.

Christian Köhlert is convinced that a constructive approach to the global challenges that will inevitably come our way is only possible if we courageously face the facts that have determined the course of humanity for millennia. The solution can only grow creatively out of the individual.

Media and Article

Lecture Regentreff

Christian Köhlert presented his Phoenix Hypothesis for the first time at the “Regentreff” Meeting in January 2023. This lecture was recorded by NuoViso and reached over 80,000 clicks. The positive feedback of many viewers, who had already dealt with the topics of the thesis, motivated the author to write a book about it, which you can order here.

Article Nexus Magazine

The Phoenix Hypothesis started with an article in the German Nexus Magazine. Editor-in-chief Daniel Wagner, who is an old friend of the author, was open to the topic and published the reductionist rough version of the theory at the end of August 2022. However, it was clear from the beginning that the hypothesis was too broad and complex to be adequately argued in a 12-page article. The Nexus magazine with Christian Köhlert’s article can be ordered online.

Nexus 102 "Phönix Hypotthese"

Newest Articles by the Author

Christian Köhlert has written numerous articles inspired by the Nexus magazine article, which allow a rough orientation and argumentation of his Phoenix Hypothesis. All blog entries at a glance can be found on the Secret TV page.

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What can Seers tell us about the Pole Shift?

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Spiritual Consideration regarding the Phoenix

Phoenix Hypothesis: Spiritual Interpretation My Phoenix Hypothesis is a treatise released in the 102nd issue of the German Nexus Magazine. After it received a positive response, I decided to publish an English version on this website. This article is the fifth part of the argumentation of my core...

About the Author

Christian Köhlert is a media artist, author, and practitioner of Creative Homeopathy. He graduated in 2005 with a degree in industrial design with a focus on interface design. Several years before he graduated, he began producing documentaries and exploring alternative perspectives on life. In 2008, he became editor-in-chief of Secret TV, the first commercial online channel dedicated to conspiracy theories and special content. During this time, he produced the film (R)evolution 2012 with Dieter Broers and Christoph Lehmann.

Christian Köhlert produced numerous broadcasts and documentaries that continue to shape his worldview. His commitment to alternative media led to a broad network in the international scene. Although he gradually withdrew from this field due to disillusionment and personal reasons, he remained attentive to world events. Starting in 2014, he embarked on a journey to break away from the System. He explored countries such as New Zealand, Switzerland, Canada, and the USA, devoting much of his time to the study of spiritual concepts and holistic medicine, including Creative Homeopathy.

Book Buy & Order


The book, The Phoenix Hypothesis, can be ordered now directly from Osiris Publishing in German language. There is also the option to order the English version through Amazon KDP in US, Canada, UK, Australia and many other countries—just check your local online store. You can also download the book on your Kindle.

Contact & Discussion

You can reach the author directly via the contact form for urgent requests for interviews or podcast inquiries. Christian regularly answers questions from his readers on a dedicated Telegram channel. Take a look there to see if there is not already an answer there. In addition, there is another Telegram channel where updates and news are posted. Here is also a sub-channel where supporters of the Phoenix hypothesis exchange information about current events.

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