
Back To The Future and 9/11

by | Secret TV Article


Before I like to refer to September 11th, 2001, a.k.a. 9/11, and how the Hollywood classic “Back To The Future” predicted the terror attacks in New York, I should start with some basics. I feel I need to elaborate on why this kind of interpretation gained a particular significance for me. The corresponding Youtube movie can be found below.

My first lesson in the context of subliminal information in modern media I did not get from some conspiracy books about mind control or MK Ultra. I received that knowledge in a lecture during my design studies in Magdeburg. In one of these courses focused on media techniques, I got sensitized for the first time to how consumers’ subconscious is targeted to be influenced by very subtle means. The work of my teacher and the lectures became real eye-openers to me. Since then, I have approached all kinds of movie clips with an entirely new perception.

Subliminal Messages and Stanley Kubrick Movies

The technique of subliminal messages, respectively, of subliminal information, is omnipresent in our society. The modern advertisement industry was probably the first branch to perfect this method in short film clips. But great directors like Stanley Kubrick soon pushed the limits and achieved new standards.

The technique of adding subliminal messages in the film business works like this. Besides the apparent plot, the director interweaves subtle information into a film or clip using various means. Our conscious minds will not initially recognize this secondary subliminal plot. Although this subliminal information remains below the perception threshold, the subconscious can understand this influence if the correct symbols are used. There are many methods and recipes to perform this balancing act between consciousness and sub-consciousness. Because of the many sources and books about that topic, I will not discuss the techniques here.

Simpson prediction examples

Subconscious Programming

I want to make the point that the consumer’s subconscious mind can be fed with an idea or a concept that the recipient is not fully aware of or even not aware of at all. This information eventually resonates inside the individual. It might respond with a delay in time till the effect breaks through the barrier into the conscious mind. For the consumers, it appears as a spontaneous act out of themselves. Most of the time, they cannot recognize the possibility that this sudden emergence of some new idea or an immediate new opinion about a particular concept did not so arbitrarily arrive as they believe.

Room 237 And Kubrick

For people, who became aware of this subconscious manipulation, this understanding is often perceived as a profound epiphany. That’s why there are many great interpretations, where media experts have begun to analyze specific films and commercials based on these principles. A classic example is the documentary “Room 237,” which refers to the work of Stanley Kubrick. “Room 237” is a compilation of interpretations of many Kubrick fans and researchers. In my opinion, not all arguments are comprehensible or even entertaining, but this documentation is an excellent example of analyzing movies deep into the subliminal levels.

ROOM 237 The Apollo 11 Theory | GO to Trailer here [Trailer]

911 Interpretation By “Barelyhuman11”

Back to the 9/11 and “Back To The Future” Connection

Now we covered the basics. I finally like to address a film interpretation that shows a connection between the September 11th, 2001 incident in New York City and Robert Zemeckis‘ classic “Back to the Future.” The treatise, which I like to speak about, was released by a Youtuber called “barelyHuman11” in 2015. Even before he did so, many reasonable interpretations recognized the same pattern. However, that Youtuber put all the details that others have previously addressed in a technically and aesthetically demanding 12-minute film.

A 9/11 Prediction embedded in Back to the Future movie

Anyone who has seen and understood the 12-minute film should recognize that September 11th or 9/11 is subliminally coded into the entire trilogy. However, the third and final part of “Back to the Future” was first screened more than ten years before 9/11. Of course, as a skeptic, you might convince yourself that this is just a coincidence of epic proportions. Still, denial should be considered a form of cognitive dissonance. A serious examination of these correlations represents a complex challenge to each linear and causal-minded materialist.

9/11 Interpretation by BARELYHUMAN11

Conspiracy and 9/11

The conspiracy community traditionally has a very different attitude towards September 11th, 2001, and of course, this connection with Zemeckis’ film triggered some attention inside the truther movement. Thus two main approaches formed how this phenomenon should be assessed in the overall context of the 9/11 conspiracy. Of course, the assumption always insists that September 11th, 2001, was staged by secret conspirators to establish a catalytic element to transform the world, start wars, and “redistribute” a lot of wealth.

As I have indicated in another essay on this page, the truther movement is not a homogeneous mass. Therefore it needs a separate article to cover the range of 9/11 conspiracy theories into which the “Back to the Future” phenomena tabs. Anyhow!

Illuminati Card Game Background
Illuminati Card Game Mystery | Article

I must admit that I see a higher-dimensional intelligence directing that entire orchestra of mass media, secret services, military and government henchmen, gnomes, dark elves, and lizardmen to organize that specific event. I can only provide a summary at this point, but to give those occult forces behind the game a name, we should call them the Illuminati. If you don’t know what I am talking about, I recommend one of my articles about this mysterious group.

By the way, please forgive me for my lax way of recapping this tragedy so emotionless, but I promise to discuss it in a more detailed article because September 11th, 2001, was my personal “wakeup call” – as 9/11 was for many others people, too.

The Truther Interpretation of the 9/11 connection

So let’s get back to the two main approaches: evaluating the alleged announcement of 9/11 in the “Back to the Future” movies. Many individuals in the truther movement assumed that Robert Zemeckis had either direct knowledge of the plans for the New York terror attacks or they believed he was forced or commissioned by the tentacles of the Illuminati in the Hollywood community to put the symbols into the film.

The alleged reason the Illuminati were so determined to leave a subliminal message in advance was also variating. The less sophisticated guess is that this behavior was a form of a show of force, which should bring about precisely what many truthers felt about it: a provocation.

Predictive Programming

However, I think the theory is much more deliberate and requires extensive basic knowledge about the relationships between consciousness and physical reality. Such reasoning is called predictive or subliminal programming of the collective consciousness. The underlying assumption asserts that our physical reality manifests out of thought patterns. This principle applies to the individual but also the collective consciousness.

The concept is that the Illuminati established a critical mass of people by subliminal programming the collective subconsciousness. Those masses have been clandestinely “vaccinated” with an idea. For example, the population got indoctrinated with specific media content—everyone who saw the movie “Back To The Future.”

To go further in the topic, I recommend reading my article about the Illuminati Cards and their prediction of 9/11.

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TAGS: 911 | Secret TV

About the Author

Hi, my name is Christian Köhlert, and I am a therapist, author, and digital content creator living in Montreux, Switzerland. I was always interested in what is usually framed as the “occult, esoteric, hermetic philosophies, and conspiracy theories.”

After I became chief editor of Secret TV, Germany’s first pay-TV channel for fringe topics, I evolved as part of the counter culture of alternative media. Even though I am not active anymore, I am still an observer with a massive network of “professional skeptics.” Accordingly, I use my insider knowledge and offer holistic consulting about my writing topics. I am also working as a Creative Homeopath and give online consultations.

Christian Koehlert Founder of Mayamagik


  1. George

    Hi i have just stumbled upon your blog – very interesting indeed and very well written .
    Peace .

    • Mayamagik

      Thanks, buddy.

  2. Mike

    Well done. Smooth site and well written content.

    • Mayamagik

      Thanks, Mike.


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