
The Illuminati Card Game Epidemic

by | Illuminati Card Game

— Illuminati Article Series: Pt. VII —

The Pandemic has been Predicted
by the Illuminati Card Game

This is the 7th part of my Illuminati Card Game series, and now, we go straight into the 2020 Epidemic and the broader implications of this event. I hope you made yourself familiar with the first part of my graphic essay. In the previous sections, I expected to have established some credibility, presenting the long history of predictions or successful forecasts the card deck provided. If you have never heard of the Illuminati Cards before and know nothing about this game, I highly recommend reading the first part before starting with this one. You will appreciate it. Now we will look at how the cards foreshadowed specific details of a global pandemic.

The “Epidemic” and “CDC” Cards

We are finally, in current times, dominated by consequences that emerged out of the 2020 pandemic, and with that, we see a clear lead in the Illuminati Game. Two cards came straight to my mind when this scenario got rolled out. The “Epidemic” card is just vividly establishing the foundation for all we can witness now live on “Tell-a-Vision” and all the follow-up topics we find inside the Illuminati Card deck. Notice the wording “Quarantine” on the cover and the (mRNA) syringe in the background.

Epidemic Illuminati Card Game
Illuminati Card “Epidemic”

“Disaster! This is an Attack to Destroy any Place.”


However, the second card I like to emphasize is even more irritating. In the game, the CDC is a powerful asset, especially when the “Center for Disease Control” card suggests that these kinds of institutions provide relief to a devastated area or unleash biological warfare on a place to destroy it. They work both ways.

CDC Illuminati Card Game
Illuminati Card CDC

“As its action, the CDC can supplly Relief to one Devastated location each turn. If the CDC makes a direct attack to destroy a Place, it can use biologicalwarfare.”

“CDC” Card

Other Themes during the 2020 Epidemic

The Illuminati cards that were unfolding right after the start of the “Epidemic” are plentiful. First, I saw many “Alarmist Scientists” creating bogus fear scenarios fueled by a mainstream “Media Blitz.” On the other hand, we see unprecedented “Censorship.” At no point in time before, I saw so many posts and videos being erased from social platforms.

Search engines and Social Networks teamed up with the WHO, financed and overwhelmingly controlled by Bill Gates, to protect its clients from being exposed to fake news. Never before has the System defended the official narrative that aggressively. Every perspective outside the established reality is labeled a “Conspiracy Theory.”

Alarmist Scientists Illuminati Card Game
“Alarmist Scientists”
Media Blitz Illuminati Card Game
“Media Blitz”
Censorship Illuminati Card Game

Furthermore, I recognized the rise of well-known “Evil Geniuses for a Better World” like Bill and Melinda Gates. They started early to propagate mandatory vaccinations but also hold patents for microchip implants and a system they call Global ID. What Bill and his kind, like his friends from the WEF, have to offer is an all-around carefree package for total control.

Also, we have massive “Market Manipulations” and the application of “Emergency Powers.” In Germany, we witnessed well-respected lawyers that questioned the quarantine measures locked up in insane asylums. In other countries, you went to jail if they caught you spreading “fake news” about the “virus of unknown origins.” Of course, the definition of fake news is everything that contradicts the official narrative.

UPDATE: When I wrote this article, I was sitting in lockdown and picked “Emergency Powers” because the topic fits the current situation. A little later, the pandemic was interrupted shortly by a global movement that resulted from a deadly incident of a black person by a white police officer. This murderous event with George Floyd got “Media Blitzed” so massively that I can only think it was a deliberate distraction, but strange enough. It matches the depiction on the card.

Evil Genius Illuminati Card Game
“Evil Geniuses”
Market Manipulations Illuminati Card Game
“Market Manipulations”
Emergency Powers Illuminati Card Game
“Emergency Powers”

Further Cards that
fall into the Pandemic

Many more cards are engaging in the context of the 2020 pandemic. Therefore, I will split my original mega-article into smaller parts and devote each subtopic to a separate article. I will start with the “Population Reduction” card and its connection to Wuhan. Then I have to talk about the philosophical and spiritual background of the real-life Illuminati Order, which the cards only touch on the surface. At last, I will have a look into the crystal ball. Therefore, I will present the cards that might show the best outcome of the current transformational process and the worst-case scenario. Then there are the wild cards. Those also need to be mentioned; accordingly, many fall into that category.

Illuminati Card Epidemic and Wuhan Connection
The Wuhan Connection in the Illuminati Cards

Interpretations & Conclusion

When I wrote this article during the first lockdown in 2020, I did not doubt that the situation had been created as a pretext for a much larger agenda. In 2022, while editing my original material, I realized that the bigger picture turned out to be even more complex than it seemed in the beginning. Hence, I had to write a different article describing the core of my investigations. Meanwhile, I understood that the “Epidemic” is a small but essential adjustment in a much bigger plot. Even the “Great Reset” became a sidenote and instead seemed to distract from the real story that plays in the background.

My complete analysis of the current situation can be found in my “Phoenix Hypothesis” on this website. This article got published in the 102nd issue of the German Nexus Magazine but can be read here as an English translation. Accordingly, I will have to write an article that presents the cards that fit my current thesis of future developments. Some of them can be found among the best, worst, and wild card scenarios mentioned above. But for now, let’s continue with the “Population Reduction” Illuminati Card.

About the Author

Hi, my name is Christian Köhlert, and I am the author of the Illuminati article series. For many years I have been a producer for alternative media outlets. As chief editor of Germany’s first pay-TV channel, “Secret TV,” dedicated to fringe topics, I was exposed to all the conspiracy theories you could imagine. As fascinated by Robert Anton Wilson’s trilogy “Illuminatus,” as the creator of the card game, I can easily relate to the topics addressed in the deck.

Christian Koehlert Founder of Mayamagik


  1. Jacynthe Prevost


    • Mayamagik

      Thank you! For your short but encouraging comment.

  2. Kernel

    This was freakin awesome! I am completely touched by the time you put into this. Thank you.

    • Mayamagik

      Just pass it around. I am happy to share my art. That’s what artists do.

  3. kay

    This is just fantastic! Thank you so much for your time in putting this together. So much information!

    • Mayamagik

      Thanks, bro! That means a lot to me that people feel inspired and appreciate the content. Cheers -C

  4. preacher9

    Thanks for your work! It looks and reads absolutely amazing. I already was into the cards, but you really connect the dots.
    I was only a bit confused about the bit on Julian Assange. Dead in 2016?
    Still somewhat alive now.

  5. Jeia

    I didnt know this card game but it is very interesting how everything fits inside the story which I also follow for other ten years. The possible changes in 2012 were also my starting point for rethinking my life, reality and the world. Plans are somehow old and so are the thoughts or the oppurtunity to reveal this ideas. Over all, I am really fascinated about your whole website.

    Sie sprudelt über vor Kreativität, Wissen, Ideen, Bewusstsein und Entspannung gleichzeitig wie die Wellen des Meeres.

    • Mayamagik

      Thanks for your encouraging feedback. I hope, you will find here more that will inspire you. Namasté

  6. Mary

    Hi there. Just to say to you with what you’ve presented here with the cards and the real facts on real information. Good work.

    • Mayamagik

      Thank you for your kind feedback. I appreciate that.

  7. Vagyok Aki Vagyok

    Hi and congratulations for your great work and your STUNNING website!

    Just some thoughts:
    – the “Emergency powers” card looks like the George Floyd “acting scene”!
    – the “And STAY dead” card says “play immediately after any group has been destroyed… the destroyed group is gone forever”. Well, the Haiti earthquake was on January 12th, 2010 (Haiti EQ = the Clintons). Bradley Manning flew back to the US on January 23rd with the documents and sent them to Wikileaks on February 3rd.

    All the best and keep up the good work!

    • Mayamagik

      Thanks for your great remarks. I am just happy to share but I appreciate a proper recognition.

      Indeed, I was surprised myself how my personal prediction matched more with the graphic image on the card than with the actual term “emergency powers.” It was creepy for me as well, because I wrote that article before the whole BLM, Antifa, George Floyd act was rolled out. Very well observed by the way!

      This whole Event 2020 is a freak show for me. We are truly living in interesting times where multiple timelines dance and merge. It’s a multidimensional effect that is hard to explain on a pure mind level. Just enjoy it and make the best out of it. That at least is my approach.

      Namasté, bro.

      • Rj

        Are you a freemason ?

        • Mayamagik

          No. I am no member of any secret society.

  8. John

    Just incredible bro! Absolutely incredible! Your talent, mind, and art have transformed beyond just the visible but to a portrayal of the invisible! I hope your work proves invaluable in waking people up to the reality of the world we currently live in. The statistics that this many occurrences could be so closely and accurately predicted, not just in written description but also in artistic portrayal is so improbable as to be unbelievable. Your comparison of these cards to looking within a magic crystal ball is spot on! I also share your views insofar that we as a people, TOGETHER, can make the DIFFERENCE from net negative outcome to that of a positive one! I am a Christian and my beliefs may differ from yours somewhat, but what I think we share is a desire for our fellow men and women to work together towards what is best for all of us. Being properly informed, educated, enlightened, and perceptive, in my opinion, is part of the beginning of that. You have done people a great service in a beautiful way in your work. Thanks from Florida!

  9. Mayamagik

    Thank you, John! Your feedback is much appreciated. The transformation has started and the point of no return has passed. We are on the ride into a new paradigm and is indeed up to us to make the best out of it according to our highest ideals. I wish you much success and divine blessings.


  10. Diego Brito

    VERY interesting, thank you for this layout. I’ll try to bring new people from the Earth Plane egregore(because they’re very much into conspiracy) looking into this. I’m coming to think that this Illuminati game is a Tarot of worldly archetypes.

    • Mayamagik

      It is a kind of tarot. Indeed. You are welcome!

  11. Daniel Marois

    Great article and beautiful presentation.

    • Mayamagik


  12. Wedding gowns Manufactures

    I’m not that much of a internet reader to be honest but your sites really nice, keep it up!
    I’ll go ahead and bookmark your website to come back in the future.
    Many thanks

    • Mayamagik

      Thanks for your feedback.

  13. Ben

    Very intriguing
    Saw this on Quite Frankly TV
    A few days ago

    • Mayamagik

      Could you send me a link, please?

  14. Leandro Ferrero

    I really like this essay, keep working!!!

    • Mayamagik

      Sure, bro!

  15. Carol Kwok

    I always think to myself, are all these planned by the Illuminati or by the Divine? Did all these plans get approved by the Divine? Is the entire chaos here to test the human? or Is the Illuminati just playing the supporting roles to carry the plot out for the Divine?…

    • Mayamagik

      I would say that ultimately everything is created by the divine even the Illuminati. It’s all part of the Oneness.


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