LUMINATE FESTIVAL, 2015 | Golden Bay

LUMINATE FESTIVAL, 2015 | Golden Bay

2015 Festival Footage, New Zealand In 20014/15, I lived in Wellington, New Zealand, for a while. Traveling from there, I roamed the islands and visited some festivals. On one of these occasions, I filmed certain events at the Luminate Festival in the Golden Bay area....
Shortfilm USA, Switzerland & New Zealand

Shortfilm USA, Switzerland & New Zealand

Travel Film production In 2014/15, I traveled worldwide for several different film projects. Some were commercial productions others were made privately or were kept for internal use only. I had been just in beautiful spots on some occasions, so I decided to take some...
Proffer Corporate Video

Proffer Corporate Video

New Zealand Base Company Image Film In 20014/15, I lived in Wellington, New Zealand, for a while. There I produced an image film for my good friends at Proffer. You can find more information on their website, and there you will find their philosophy in total length....
Walkabout Through New Zealand

Walkabout Through New Zealand

Roaming through the Wilderness Springtime came to New Zealand, and I started my Walkabout. I grabbed my backpack and camera to roam New Zealand just by walking off from Wellington. Well, I didn’t come too far. Somewhere between Wellington and Lake Taupo, it started...

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