Jaskamon “Take Me Home” | Music Video

Jaskamon “Take Me Home” | Music Video

Music Video Production Oregon In late 2014 I traveled to Oregon, USA. Together with some good friends, we produced a Music Video. You can find more information on their website www.jaskamon.com. JASKAMON (pronounced ja*ska*mon, referring to “spirit, music, and...
Riding Solo Through Washington

Riding Solo Through Washington

— Spiritual Van Life Story | Part 9 — Solitude in Washington Al(l)One On The Road I have been in the US for more than a week now. At first, it felt pretty awkward. I traveled all alone. Jens could not cross the border because of a contaminated “weed...
Lucid California Dreaming

Lucid California Dreaming

— Spiritual Van Life Story | Part 10 — Roaming through California Monterey, California I am sitting in Monterey right now while writing this entry. It has been quite some time since my last update on this blog. What shall I say? So many things have happened, and...
First Impressions of Otis and Lincoln City

First Impressions of Otis and Lincoln City

Oregon State, USA, in 2014 Since I was more or less bound to pass by in Oregon, I decided to stay for a couple of weeks on the west coast of the USA. After getting picked up from the airport in Portland, we went to Otis, a small community close to Lincoln City in...

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