Combined Disasters of the Illuminati Cards

by | Illuminati Card Game

— Illuminati Article Series: Pt. IV —

The Illuminati Cards predicted Fukushima

In this 4th part of the Illuminati Card Game article series, I want to show how the Fukushimanuclear incident” of 2011 got coded into the deck. The cards I will present to you are prophetic since they were released before the event unfolded in Japan. This raises many questions if you don’t believe in a mere coincidence. Clutching to the idea of chance or luck will become increasingly harder once you read all the other articles in this series—especially if you go into the mystery of 9/11 and how it got predicted by the Illuminati Card Game. In my previous treatise, I showed how this precognition phenomenon is found in specific Celebrities foreshadowed in the deck.

Later in my article series, I will dive deeper into 2020 events and how they reflect in the card deck.

The “Combined Disasters” Card

The Fukushima Disaster in March 2011 was a combination of an “Earthquake” and a “Tidal Wave,” which triggered a “Nuclear Accident.” You can find all three topics in the Illuminati Card Game. Admittingly, this is not spectacular because we can easily attribute all these cards to different occasions from 1985 on when the game got published. This triple combination is not why I added Fukushima to my prophetic collection.

There is another card called “Combined Disasters” with a fascinating Illustration.

Combined Disasters Illuminati Card Game
Illuminati Card “Combined Disasters”

The Waki Clock Tower

The “Combined Disaster” Illuminati Card features a very prominent clock tower. Bevor 2011, many investigators in that prophecy matter tended to recognize a falling “Big Ben” in London in that picture, but if we look closely, this is not the case. The falling building has much more similarity with the famous Wako Clock Tower at Giza in Tokyo, Japan. This connection created the link to and the association with the Fukushima incident, which, in essence, was a “Combined Disaster.”

The Wako Clock Tower on "Combine Disasters"
The Wako Clock Tower on “Combine Disasters”

The Fukushima Conspiracy

The Earthquake Projector

Among the Illuminati Cards, you can find the “Earthquake Projector.” This device seems to describe a machine that sends waves into the ground. In real-life conspiracy terms, we are talking about the “High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program,” better known under its acronym HAARP. This project’s official purpose is harmless experiments where scientists send high-energy radio waves into the atmosphere. With this technology, they can even bounce off the waves from different layers and bend the ionosphere.

As the famous John Wheeler, a personal protegé of Einstein, once said, our whole reality is built on a field of vibration. Everything is made of waves of energy. Therefore the human body and the embodied consciousness are highly susceptible to external affectation. So, the Conspiracy Theory that HAARP can create all kinds of effects in nature, including Earthquakes, Weather, and Mind Control, is based on solid scientific research. There are a couple of known HAARP facilities all around the globe, like Alaska, Norway, and China.

Earthquake Projector Illuminati Card Game
Illuminati Card “Earthquake Projector”

HAARP and Fukushima

The Canadian journalist Benjamin Fulford was the first to connect the Fukushima Disaster with HAARP technology. Even among the established community of Conspiracy Theorists, he has a controversial reputation. Some also consider him a “Deep Agent.” Fullford claimed soon after the disaster in Fukushima that secret societies blackmailed Japan. That might be true or not—still, his presentation and scientific treatise regarding HAARP, a.k.a. The “Earthquake Projector,” is pretty on point.

Fukushima and HAARP?

Interpretation & Conclusion

Suppose we assume that there is a secret society like the Illuminati. In that case, it is not far-fetched that advanced technologies are used to keep all parties, including the leaders of countries, in check and, if necessary, blackmail them with utter destruction. This could be the case regarding the Fukushima incident, but the evidence is thin, so it remains a conspiracy theory in the ordinary sense of meaning. Still, since there is plenty of evidence that a network of clandestine power structures exists and since the Illuminati have been well-researched by various analysts, I tend to give Mr. Fulford some credibility.

The even bigger question is how the card’s creator knew so much about the methods and could even predict such an event by implicating the Wako Clock Tower. I already elaborated on the predictive nature of the Illuminati Cards in my 9/11 article, which refers to another famous example where the movie “Back to The Future” encoded future events.

I will proceed with my series with an event that has not been predicted but represents a set of principles that are omnipresent in deep-state methodology. So let’s continue with part five and the John F. Kennedy assassination. If you need more examples of how the cards have foretold future headlines, please continue with my article about “Trends and Events” predicted by the Illuminati Card Game.

About the Author

Hi, my name is Christian Köhlert, and I am the author of the Illuminati article series. For many years I have been a producer for alternative media outlets. As chief editor of Germany’s first pay-TV channel, “Secret TV,” dedicated to fringe topics, I was exposed to all the conspiracy theories you could imagine. As fascinated by Robert Anton Wilson’s trilogy “Illuminatus,” as the creator of the card game, I can easily relate to the topics addressed in the deck.

Christian Koehlert Founder of Mayamagik


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